Beth Kushnick who's the set designer for The Good Wife is featured on the Christie's Interior website and she describes the process of decorating a new set:
The start of a new project or new set is such a thrill. With construction completed we dressed the Chicago apartment on the set of The Good Wife in about 48 hours. I actually think the speed with which we worked helped us to focus our decisions. I shop Christie’s Interiors monthly auctions to build a store of items to have on-hand; we are always working with a deadline. (Christie's)48 hours! Wow. Can you imagine fully, and beautifully, decorating your home in just two days? Check out the rest of the article at The article also has some nice pictures of the TGW sets.
One thing for sure, not only is Beth Kushnick a wonderful set decorator, but she creates sets that look good on camera from any angle. She has impeccable taste when it comes to selecting art.